Wednesday, May 13, 2009

May 12, 2009

Yesterday we went to the American Chamber of Commerce and we also listened to two lectures at NTPU and one at Tamkng University. The first lecture was about the Taiwan economy while the other was about management science. During the second lecture at Tamkng we joined a lecture in progress and each person in our group joined groups in the classroom. My group members were very nice and funny and very curious about our culture. Their class was in English and so was their book, which I though was strange but apparently they are in the international trade center at the university and they are required to learn English. After the lecture we had a tour of the campus by freshman students at the university. The campus was absolutely beautiful! After the campus tour we went to the night market in Danshui with the students. The students, Rebecca, Chenle, Lisa, Fish and Shawn showed us around. they were the nicest people ever and they were so much fun! We played a scavenger hunt game where we were given pictures of street vendors and we had to find them and eat food from each place. It was nice having the students with us to tell us what food was good and what wasn’t. All of the food was good except the iron egg; that wasn’t right. Our group won the game surprisingly even though we took a pretty long time and sat down at every place and chit chatted. I had so much fun with every person in our group and it was definitely the funniest night so far. They were so interested in our culture and it felt very weird being the foreigner. We got home about 10:30 or 10:40 that night after about an 45 minute ride on the MRT. Hopefully we will be able see our tour guides again during our free day on Saturday!

1 comment:

JD's Page said...

Sounds like a blast, Lauren. I'm sooo jealous.
Continue to have great travels...

In the mean time, I'm stuck at home in the greatest country the world has ever seen.

Safe Travels,